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Cosmetic Aspect Not Only Concern for Varicose Veins

Swollen, twisted varicose veins can lead to more serious problems

Smooth legs

You may feel self-conscious about the unsightly nature of your varicose veins, but the cosmetic aspect is just one symptom of vein disease. Varicose veins are a result of malfunctioning valves, which are responsible for returning blood to the heart.

When a valve malfunctions, it causes blood to pool in the veins, resulting in a buildup of pressure that weakens the vein walls and causes them to bulge. Over time, the increased pressure can cause additional valves to fail. It’s important to address vein issues early on, before further damage can occur.

Fortunately, varicose veins can be successfully eliminated with the EVLT System – a minimally-invasive, FDA-approved laser treatment that dries up varicose veins at the source.

EVLT varicose vein laser

For some people, varicose veins cause throbbing, aching and can lead to circulatory disorders that are more serious. EVLT, or Endovenous Laser Treatment, is a clinically-proven alternative to traditional surgery and today’s gold standard for eliminating varicose veins. Get ready to show off your legs!

The cosmetic surgeons at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery in Birmingham, AL are experienced in helping patients get rid of varicose veins with a simple, comfortable treatment that usually takes less than an hour. If you bothered by unsightly, bulging, swollen varicose veins, call 205-980-1744 today to make your appointment for your leg vein screening.

EVLT is often covered by insurance when patients are diagnosed with symptomatic venous reflux disease, which may include pain, swelling, leg cramps, ulcers and bleeding. Be sure to check with your insurance company to determine the treatment options that are covered under your plan.

Is the EVLT procedure right for me?

Research shows that each year there has been a steady increase in the number of people affected by varicose veins. In 2010 alone, more than 703,000 people in the United States took control and had their varicose veins treated. EVLT uses a minimally-invasive endovenous laser to treat varicose veins, requires no general anesthesia and offers minimal risk, immediate improvement and a little or no downtime.

Components of the EVLT system were cleared for use by the FDA 10 years ago; EVLT has been a leader in the treatment of varicose veins ever since. EVLT has revolutionized the way varicose veins are treated. The endovenous approach offers many benefits compared to other options for treating varicose veins, including shorter recovery times, less bruising, swelling and pain.

Maintaining vascular health through diet

Varicose veins are a common symptom of vascular disease. Factors such as lack of exercise, advancing age, obesity, genetic disposition and others can affect the development of vascular disease. A healthy diet may be effective in reducing these factors. Simple tips include:

  • Minimize saturated and trans fat intake.
  • Minimize salt intake.
  • Increase dietary fiber intake.
  • Increase fresh fruit and vegetables intake.

In addition to a healthier diet, increasing your physical activity may reduce your weight and help to improve your overall vein health.

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