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Laser Hair Removal

If you are ready for a long-lasting solution to unwanted hair, laser hair removal may be right for you. With a gentle yet effective laser procedure, the certified technicians of Spa Greystone & Laser Center can indefinitely inhibit the growth of hair on virtually any area of your face or body. Just imagine life without shaving, tweezing, waxing and other inconvenient and often painful methods of temporary hair removal.

Safely used to remove unwanted hair almost anywhere

Laser hair removal at our Birmingham, Alabama cosmetic center works by targeting hairs in the growth phase. The laser energy not only vaporizes hair above the skin, but also damages individual hair follicles and prevents them from producing hairs. Laser hair removal is safe to use on the arms, legs, bikini line, chin, upper lip or almost anywhere else where unwanted hair is present.

Laser hair removal treatments can last anywhere from a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area to be treated. Laser hair removal is virtually pain-free with no downtime afterward. Patients may feel some discomfort similar to a mild sunburn and should be careful to keep their skin moisturized and protected from the sun.

Please contact Spa Greystone today at 205-980-1744, ext. 2 if you are interested in laser hair removal at our convenient Inverness-area location near Hoover and Birmingham.

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