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Breast Augmentation with a Hidden Scar

Many of us dream of a more proportioned figure – larger breasts, smaller waist, perfectly rounded hips and backside. But many of us don’t want the whole world knowing that we altered our not so perfect figures or faces with a bit of cosmetic surgery.

There’s nothing wrong with improving ourselves and refining our little problem areas. We just would rather our neighbors not know our secret to such a tiny waist or our round, perky breasts. We may have a problem keeping our secret safe in a file somewhere when that lovely scar in my underarm or the one that is peeking out from the under wire of my new bathing suit is screaming, “Hello! I have a Plastic Surgeon!” So what are we to do?

Transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA)

Transumbilical breast augmentation, or TUBA, is the procedure to solve the problem. TUBA is a breast augmentation technique developed as an alternative method of placing breast implants that leaves no visible scar on or around the breast. Dr. Hedden or Dr. Gunn uses an endoscope with a small camera to tunnel just underneath the skin up to the breast area from a small incision hidden in the upper fold of the belly button. Besides eliminating scars on or near the breasts, this method allows both breast implants to be placed through a single incision. Great results, best recovery time and NO SCAR! Your breast augmentation secret is safe and sound!

There are many other benefits to having a TUBA procedure verses a traditional breast augmentation. For starters, we probably all have a slight fear of being put to sleep, but with the TUBA procedure you are under anesthesia less time than with the standard incisions. Also, there is a generally faster recovery time than with other incisions. For those of us with little or no breast tissue that desire a very full breast, the TUBA procedure allows very large implants to be used because there is no breast incision that could pull open from breast skin tension, with this accompanies less risk of infection. Plus, like we all desire … no tell-tale scar, only a tiny incision inside the navel.

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