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Skin Revitalization with Microdermabrasion

A fast and effective way to reduce superficial skin damage at Spa Greystone

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As time marches on, years of aging and exposure to the sun can cause the skin to develop irregularities such as facial wrinkles, rough skin and age spots. Microdermabrasion is a popular lunchtime treatment used to exfoliate damaged skin cells and reveal fresh, younger-looking skin. Usually performed on the face and neck, microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that can also be used to rejuvenate the hands, chest and other areas at our full service day spa and skin care center.

During Birmingham, AL microdermabrasion treatments at Spa Greystone, fine crystals are sprayed onto the face and neck with a special device that also suctions the crystals away with a vacuum. You may feel a mild scratching sensation as the crystals work to remove damaged skin cells.

This gentle exfoliation of the skin’s outer layer reveals new skin with a younger and healthier look. Because the risk of scarring and pigmentation irregularities are very low, microdermabrasion is a safe and effective option for all skin types.

If you have fine lines, superficial wrinkles or scars, rough skin, age spots, enlarged pores or acne scars, microdermabrasion can be used to refresh your skin with a more youthful appearance. More extensive scars, wrinkles and pigmentation issues may better addressed with a chemical peel, laser skin resurfacing or dermabrasion.

After a no-downtime microdermabrasion treatment, you may apply a cream or ointment to keep your face moist. Your skin may appear to have a minor sunburn for a few days, so be especially vigilant about using sunscreen as the skin heals. Best results with microdermabrasion are seen with a series of treatments, with the number of maintenance treatments decreasing over time.

Microdermabrasion Birmingham, AL at Spa Greystone

The highly skilled and experienced technicians at Spa Greystone can help you make your goals for facial rejuvenation a reality. We offer our skin care patients and spa guests in Birmingham-Hoover, AL and surrounding areas in Alabama the highest level of care by customizing a treatment plan for a lifetime of beautiful and healthy skin.

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