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CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

Reduce pockets of fat with proven science

The non-surgical CoolSculpting fat-freezing treatment uses controlled cooling to get rid of stubborn fat that may be resistant to diet and exercise. Results with CoolSculpting at Spa Greystone are proven and noticeable using a unique technology that freezes and kills fat cells so they can be naturally eliminated from the body.

CoolSculpting is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges under the chin (submental), under the jawline (submandibular), thighs, abdomen and flanks, bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks (banana roll) and upper arms.

CoolSculpting treatment areas diagram

Birmingham, AL CoolSculpting Fat Reduction

Our experienced and highly trained CoolSculpting technicians will talk about your treatment goals and work with you to create a customized plan for reducing stubborn fat. Call Spa Greystone today at 205-980-1744, option 2, to get started with your free consultation for Birmingham, Alabama fat reduction.

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